Fan Art Everything you see here was created by other artists, ordered by newest to oldest. Zoom into each image to see a link the artist's respective profile. AllCubbiEllaPascalPascalEllaPascal and EllaPascal with magicPascal and EllaEllaElla and PascalPascalPascalElla's First Adventure!Pascal and Ella Enjoying the ForestCubbi and Pascal Fighting OgresElla Guiding Pascal Through the ForestPascal and Ella FlirtingPascalThe Gummi Way Epic CoverEllaPascalPascalEllaElla and Pascal TalkingPascal Pulling Out a SwordPascal Has the PowerPascal and Cubbi Dive Into ActionPascal and CubbiPascal Holding a Dragon's EggPascal Holding a ScrollPascalPascalPascalPascal Holding Gummiberry Juice